Friday 19 December 2014



Terengganu holds the charms and splendour from others state in Malaysia. Despite rapid development and modernisation, it is as if time has stood still as the state retains all the rustic and idyllic charms so different from other tourist destination.
Terengganu is home to a diverse and close-knit society, where people are friendly and charm that exuberantly warmth and grace, with strong morals and values. People of different races share the bonds of neighborhood, a strong liking for local food and speak the same local dialect.
Besides, Terengganu is endowed with unmatched natural beauty. Having the longest coastline (244km) of wonderful beaches, the lush tropical rainforests, a hidden paradise unmoved by time and stunning islands with its tranquil emerald waters turn magnificently golden hues at the touch of the sun’s first rays. Terengganu is also rich with its customs and tradition, upheld through generations and visible in its way of life, its arts and handicrafts, its tradition culinary and its heritage. Terengganu is in a league of its own as a vibrant tourist destination.
The State today is a melting pot of old and news, set against the backdrop of Terengganu’s traditional poise and beauty, where progressive change is meshed with values that have dear for generation by the people.

Terengganu is truly a tropical gateway. 

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