Monday 10 November 2014

Ikan Pekasam Recipe

Hi guys!!

Today we are going to share about ikan pekasam recipe that are well-known in Kedah. We hope you enjoy the recipe... :) 


1 bowl of rice,
1 cup coarse salt,
Warm water,
1kg fish

How to prepare:

1) Clean the fish and then mixed with coarse salt and leave it overnight in a sealed container.
2) The rice is fried until the color turn brown and finely blended.
3) Mix 3 cups of warm water and 1/2 cup coarse salt and mix until dissolved.
4) Stir in the rice, which was blended into a mixture of salt water and make sure the mixture is not too thick
5) Washed the fish beforehand to reduce salinity.
6) Dip the fish one by one into the ingredients and stacking in a sealed container (jar or tupperware) and left for 4-5 days.
7) For more tasty keep up to 1 week.

* Warning: Preserved fish can survive for 1-2 months should be made according to the rules.

Serving suggestions:
For more 'kick' fried until crisp and onions.The fish was served with lime.



Badrul Azhar Rahman,(Aug,2014). Wanita Inspirasi Terkini : Resipi Ikan Pekasam. 540

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